Nobels & Pulitzers

Nobel Laureates & Pulitzer Prize Winners

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

We have 24 Nobel Prizes

Nobel Laureates – Alumni

Edward Doisy

(1892-1986)于1943年获得诺贝尔医学奖. Doisy discovered the chemical nature of vitamin K. 他的工作涉及K族维生素的合成、分离和表征. 她获得了两个大学学位:文学学士(1914年)和理学硕士(1916年)。.

Vincent Du Vigneaud

(1901-1978)因其在“生物化学上重要的硫化合物”方面的工作而获得1955年诺贝尔化学奖, 特别是首次合成了多肽激素.Du Vigneaud于1923年获得理学士学位,并于1924年获得理硕士学位. He served on the University faculty from 1929 to 1932.

Robert Holley

(1922–1993) won the Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology in 1968 for his work determining the precise structure of nucleic acids. 他于1942年获得皇冠2021app下载地址化学学士学位.

Jack S. Kilby

(1923-2005)因发明和发展集成电路而获得2000年诺贝尔物理学奖, the microchip. Kilby于1947年获得皇冠2021app下载地址理学学士学位.

Edwin Krebs

(1918–2009) shared the 1992 Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology with Edmond Fischer for their discoveries in the 1950s concerning reversible protein phosphorylation. 克雷布斯于1940年被授予I大学文学学士学位.

Polykarp Kusch

(1911-1993)因精确测量电子磁矩而获得1955年诺贝尔物理学奖. Kusch received a Master of Science (1933) and a Ph.D. (1936) from the U of I.

John Robert Schrieffer

(1931– ) shared the 1972 Nobel Prize in physics with faculty member John Bardeen and postdoctoral fellow Leon Cooper for their work at the U of I on the theory of superconductivity. Schrieffer received a Master of Science in 1954 and a Ph.D. 1959年至1962年在物理系任教.

Phillip A. Sharp

(1944 -)因发现分裂基因而获得1993年诺贝尔医学奖和生理学奖, 它证明了基因可以由几个独立的片段组成. Sharp received a Ph.D. in chemistry from the U of I in 1969.

Hamilton Smith

(1931– ) shared the 1978 Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology for “the discovery of restriction enzymes and their application to problems of molecular genetics.史密斯1948年从大学高中毕业,1948年至1950年就读于加州大学.

Wendell Stanley

(1904–1971) shared the 1946 Nobel Prize in chemistry for contributions to the preparation of enzymes and virus proteins in pure form. 史丹利获得了两个大学学位:理学硕士(1927年)和博士学位.D. (1929).

Rosalyn Sussman Yalow

(1921-2011)因发现和发展放射免疫测定法而获得1977年诺贝尔医学和生理学奖, a technique that employs radioactive isotopes to detect and measure the levels of insulin and hormones in the blood and in body tissues. 她是第二位获得诺贝尔医学奖的女性. 他拥有两个犹他大学学位:1942年获得的理学硕士学位和博士学位.D. (1945).

Nobel Laureates – Faculty

John Bardeen

(1908-1991)于1956年和1972年获得诺贝尔物理学奖, the only person to have won the physics prize twice. He shared the 1956 prize with W. H. Brattain and W. 肖克利对半导体的研究和贝尔实验室晶体管的发明, and the 1972 prize with L. N. Cooper and J. R. Schrieffer的超导理论,在皇冠2021app下载地址发展. 巴丁从1951年开始在牛津大学任教,直到1991年去世.

Leon N Cooper

(1930 -)与教员约翰·巴丁(John Bardeen)和校友约翰·R. 施赖弗提出了超导理论,通常称为bcs理论. 1955年至1957年,他在加州大学担任助理研究员.

Elias Corey

(1928 -)因“发展了有机合成的理论和方法”而于1990年获得诺贝尔化学奖.1951年至1959年,科里在该大学化学系任教.

Vincent Du Vigneaud

(1901-1978)因其在“生物化学上重要的硫化合物”方面的工作而获得1955年诺贝尔化学奖, 特别是首次合成了多肽激素.Du Vigneaud于1923年获得理学士学位,并于1924年获得理硕士学位. He served on the University faculty from 1929 to 1932.

Murray Gell-Mann

(1929– ) won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1969 for "his contributions and discoveries concerning the classification of elementary particles and their interactions.盖尔曼于1951年成为博士后研究员,并于1952年至1953年担任客座研究教授.

Leonid Hurwicz

(1917-2008)与埃里克. Maskin and Roger B. 因为他“奠定了机制设计理论的基础”.1949年至1951年,他在皇冠2021app下载地址经济系任教.

Paul C. Lauterbur

(1929–2007) shared the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine in 2003 with Sir Peter Mansfield for "seminal discoveries concerning the use of magnetic resonance to visualize different structures.劳特伯是第一批在分子研究中使用核磁共振的科学家之一, solutions, and solids. Lauterbur joined the U of I faculty in 1985.

Anthony J. Leggett

(1938 -)与阿列克谢. Abrikosov and Vitaly L. 金兹堡奖“对超导体和超流体理论的开创性贡献”.莱格特提出了决定性的理论,解释了原子在超流体状态下是如何相互作用和有序的. Leggett joined the U of I faculty in 1983.

Salvador Luria

(1912–1991) won the Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology in 1969 with Max Delbruck and Alfred Hershey for discoveries concerning the replication mechanism and the genetic structure of viruses. 1950年至1959年,他在该大学担任细菌学教授.

Sir Peter Mansfield

(1933 -)与Paul C. 劳特伯尔奖:“利用磁共振观察不同结构的开创性发现”.曼斯菲尔德从1962年到1964年在加州大学物理系担任助理研究员.

Rudolph Marcus

(1923– ) won the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1992 for contributions to the theory of how electrons are transferred between molecules—work that helps explain such phenomena as rust and how plants draw nourishment from light. He served as a faculty member in the U of I Department of Chemistry from 1964 to 1978 and completed much of his prize-winning research at the University.

Franco Modigliani

(1918-2003)凭借两个主要理论获得1985年诺贝尔经济学奖:一个是hga010皇冠app苹果个人理财的理论,另一个是hga010皇冠app苹果公司理财的理论. 1948年至1952年,他担任美国大学经济系的教员.

Alvin Roth

(1951 -)因其在市场设计和匹配理论方面的工作而获得2012年诺贝尔经济科学奖, which relate to how people and companies find and select one another in everything from marriage to school choice to jobs to organ donations. 1975年至1982年,罗斯是皇冠2021app下载地址商学院的一员.

John Robert Schrieffer

(1931– ) shared the 1972 Nobel Prize in physics with faculty member John Bardeen and postdoctoral fellow Leon Cooper for their work at the U of I on the theory of superconductivity. Schrieffer received a Master of Science in 1954 and a Ph.D. 1959年至1962年在物理系任教.

2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

The 2007 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded jointly to Al Gore and to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for their efforts in building and disseminating greater knowledge about man-made climate change, 并为应对这种变化所需的措施奠定基础. Eight faculty members and research scientists on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign served on the IPCC and were acknowledged by the organization for their contributions to the Nobel-earning work.

Donald Wuebbles and Michael Schlesinger were recognized by special certificate by the IPCC for their leadership roles in the work.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Team

  • Natalia Andronova,大气科学系兼职教授
  • 威廉·查普曼,大气科学系研究科学家
  • 凯瑟琳·海霍,大气科学系兼职研究科学家
  • Atul Jain, Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences
  • Stephen Long, Professor, Department of Crop Sciences
  • 肯·帕滕,大气科学系研究科学家
  • Michael Schlesinger,大气科学系教授
  • 约翰·沃尔什,大气科学系名誉教授
  • 唐纳德·韦伯斯,大气科学系教授.


Philip Anderson

(1923– ) won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1977. He shared the prize with John Van Vleck and Nevill Mott for their “fundamental theoretic investigation of the electronic structure of magnetic and disordered systems.” Anderson graduated from University High School in 1940.

Hamilton Smith

(1931– ) shared the 1978 Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology for “the discovery of restriction enzymes and their application to problems of molecular genetics.史密斯1948年从大学高中毕业,1948年至1950年就读于加州大学.

James Tobin

(1918-2002) won the Nobel Prize in economics in 1981. Tobin’s work provided “a basis for understanding how subjects actually behave when they acquire different assets and incur debts” by his statement of the “portfolio selection theory” of investment. Tobin graduated from University High School in 1935.

Pulitzer Prize Winners

Pulitzer Prize Winners – Alumni

Leonora LaPeter Anton

(1964– ) received a 2016 Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting as part of a team with the Tampa Bay Times that reported on conditions in Florida's state-funded mental hospitals. Anton earned a 1986 degree in journalism.

Barry Bearak

(1949 -)因对饱受战争蹂躏的阿富汗日常生活的报道而获得2002年普利策国际报道奖. 比尔克在皇冠2021app下载地址攻读新闻学研究生,并于1974年获得理学硕士学位.

Michael Colgrass

(1932 -)因其作品获得1978年普利策音乐奖, Deja Vu for Percussion Quartet and Orchestra, 是由纽约爱乐乐团委托首演的吗. 他于1956年获得皇冠2021app下载地址音乐学士学位.

George Crumb

(1929 -)凭借《hga010皇冠app苹果》和《hga010皇冠app苹果》获得1968年普利策音乐奖, 为庆祝芝加哥大学建校75周年而创作. 克拉姆于1952年获得皇冠2021app下载地址音乐硕士学位.

David Herbert Donald

(1920 – 2009 ) has twice won the Pulitzer Prize in Biography: in 1961 for Charles Sumner and the Coming of the Civil War and in 1988 for Look Homeward: A Life of Thomas Wolfe. 唐纳德在皇冠2021app下载地址攻读历史学研究生, receiving a Master of Arts in 1942 and a Ph.D. in 1946.

Roger Ebert

1975年,他作为《皇冠2021app下载地址》(Chicago Sun-Times)的影评人,首次获得普利策评论奖. Ebert于1964年毕业于皇冠2021app下载地址,获得理学学士学位.

Roy J. Harris

(1902-1980)与皇冠2021app下载地址校友乔治·蒂姆(George tim)共同获得1950年普利策公共服务奖. 他们的工作揭露了37名伊利诺斯州的报人拿着伊利诺斯州的工资单. 哈里斯于1925年获得皇冠2021app下载地址文学学士学位.

Beth Henley

(1952 -)凭借话剧《hga010皇冠app苹果》获得1981年普利策戏剧奖. 20世纪70年代,亨利在皇冠2021app下载地址攻读戏剧专业的研究生.

Hugh F. Hough

(1924–1986) shared the 1974 Pulitzer Prize for Local General Spot News Reporting with fellow University of Illinois alumnus Arthur M. 获奖理由:他因发现新证据而重新侦破1966年伊利诺斯州Sen. Charles Percy’s daughter. 霍夫于1951年获得皇冠2021app下载地址理学学士学位.

Glenn Howatt

(1957–) shared in the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for Local Reporting for a series of reports on a spike in infant deaths in Minneapolis day-cares that led to legislative action strengthening regulations. He earned two master’s degrees from Illinois. 一次是1982年的地理学,第二次是1986年的新闻学.

Paul Ingrassia

(1950 -)因对通用汽车公司管理层动荡的报道而获得1993年普利策新闻报道奖. 他于1972年获得该大学的理学学士学位.

Monroe Karmin

(1929-1999)因揭露美国与古巴之间的联系而获得1967年普利策国家报道奖.S. crime and gambling in the Bahamas. karin于1950年获得皇冠2021app下载地址理学学士学位.

John J. Kim

(1974– ) shared the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for Local Reporting (Chicago Sun-Times) for his photography in an immersive documentation of violence in Chicago neighborhoods, probing the lives of victims, criminals, 而侦探作为一种普遍的沉默准则阻碍了解决问题. 他获得了美国广告学院的理学学士学位. of I. in 1997.

Nathaniel Lash

(1992– ) was the data reporter with the Tampa Bay Times team that received a 2014 Pulitzer Prize for Local Reporting for its series on the Pinellas County Schools. Lash earned his journalism degree in 2014.

Eli Murray

(1993– ) shared the Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting in 2022 for his work with the Tampa Bay Times in investigating toxic hazards at a Florida battery recycling plant. 默里于2015年获得皇冠2021app下载地址厄巴纳-香槟分校的学士学位. As a student, 他获得了媒体学院的格伦·汉森视觉传播奖学金.

Allan Nevins

(1890-1971)两次获得普利策传记奖:1933年因格罗弗·克利夫兰获奖,1937年因汉密尔顿·费什获奖. 内文斯于1912年获得文学学士学位,1913年获得文学硕士学位, both from the University of Illinois.

Arthur M. Petacque

(1924–2001) shared the 1974 Pulitzer Prize for Local General Spot News Reporting with fellow University of Illinois alumnus Hugh Hough. 他们在发现新证据方面的工作导致了1966年瓦莱丽·珀西谋杀案的重新审理. 佩塔克于20世纪40年代就读于皇冠2021app下载地址.

Richard Powers

(1957-)因小说《皇冠2021app下载地址》获得2019年普利策小说奖.1979年,他在皇冠2021app下载地址香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)获得了英语/修辞学硕士学位. 鲍尔斯1992年加入皇冠2021app下载地址,2012年退休.

James B. Reston

(1909-1995) 1945年和1957年作为《hga010皇冠app苹果》记者获得普利策全国报道奖. He earned a Bachelor of Science in 1932.

Robert Lewis Taylor

(1910-1998)凭借《hga010皇冠app苹果》获得1959年普利策小说奖. 他于1933年毕业于该大学,获得文学学士学位.

George Thiem

(1897-1987)与伊利诺斯大学校友罗伊·J·琼斯(Roy J . jones)共同获得1950年普利策公共服务奖. 哈里斯,因为他揭露了37名伊利诺斯州报社的人拿伊利诺斯州的薪水. 他于1921年获得皇冠2021app下载地址理学学士学位.

Carl Van Doren

(1885-1950)因其著作《hga010皇冠app苹果》获得1939年普利策传记奖. 他于1907年毕业于该大学,获得文学学士学位.

Mark Van Doren

(1894-1972)因其作品《hga010皇冠app苹果》(1922-1938)获得1940年普利策诗歌奖. 他于1914年获得皇冠2021app下载地址文学学士学位.

Julie Westfall

(1980- ) shared in 2016 Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Reporting with staff of the Los Angeles Times for coverage of the San Bernadino terrorist attack. Westfall is a 2002 journalism graduate.

Abe Zaidan

(1931-)作为俄亥俄州阿克伦市《皇冠2021app下载地址》的一员,分享了1971年普利策地方报道奖. 该报因对1970年5月4日肯特州立大学惨案的报道而获奖. He received a U. of I. Bachelor of Science in 1953.

Pulitzer Prize Winners – Faculty

Bill Gaines (Emeritus)

(1933 -)两次获得普利策调查报道奖(1976和1988). 盖恩斯于2001年加入皇冠2021app下载地址,是约翰S. and James L. 奈特基金会调查和企业新闻主席直到退休.

Leon Dash

(1944 -)因报道一个家庭与贫困作斗争而获得1995年普利策解释性新闻奖, illiteracy, crime, and drug abuse in Washington, D.C. Dash became a University of Illinois faculty member in 1998 and is a Swanlund Chair and professor of journalism and Afro-American Studies.

Richard Powers (Emeritus)

(1957-)因小说《皇冠2021app下载地址》获得2019年普利策小说奖.1979年,他在皇冠2021app下载地址香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)获得了英语/修辞学硕士学位. 鲍尔斯1992年加入皇冠2021app下载地址,2012年退休.


George F. Will

(1941 -)作为联合专栏作家获得1977年普利策评论奖. He graduated from University High School in 1958.

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